Blog contents

Right at the bottom are my Kalgoorlie Miner newspaper columns. Through the middle are letters I wrote from my tent in the East Kimberley in 2007. At the top are various newer rantings.

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Coming Soon: Something New! there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home?

Whether you want to read it or not, I will soon be posting some new stuff, probably in the form of letters, or excerpts of letters, that I have written to friends or relatives. Some names may be changed, some parts may be left out, but they will otherwise be word-for-word and punctuation-error-for-punctuation-error, as written in my Spicers Olympic Carbon Book "with extra carbon" from wherever I was at the time, and in whatever state of mind I was in.

Material may come on in spasmodic bursts, because I am often working outside the techno-sphere.


Winter said...

Already one fan checking in for the latest scrawls from the field.
Are you really going to post them up here word for word or will you do some post-sending editing before they hit the web? It may be tempting to twist a phrase slightly better on the second go, but polishing takes a little of the interesting patina off, dont you think? Will check in soon for the latest creation..Adios

Michael said...

No editing, besides anything defamatory - to myself or others. It won't be polished.

It's just a different angle at letting people know what I'm up to. Every chum will get a piece of the puzzle, and will have to check here for the rest.